
Hey Everyone! My name is Sarah Sweet, I am from a little town in southern Rhode Island and I am an incoming sophomore at Plymouth State! I am an Allied Health Sciences Major and a member of the Women’s Basketball Team. I am so excited to move back to campus and meet all of you! Being about a three-hour drive from school, I know nerves about leaving home and family are starting to build up but trust me this will be an amazing experience for you, and I as well as my fellow mentors have your back! When I originally decided to come to Plymouth, I had committed to play on the Women’s Volleyball team but soon found that it was not the right fit for me. Luckily, that is what college is ALL ABOUT! Soon thereafter I found my forever family between the Men’s and Women’s Basketball teams and could not be happier that I took the time to figure out what I wanted from Plymouth State. Plymouth to me also felt like an extremely well-knit community, and I knew I didn’t want to go from a tiny town to a huge school so this felt like that perfect size. It is nice to walk to class and say ‘hey’ to 3-4 people that you recognize from somewhere else on campus. But I also chose Plymouth because the scenery is to die for… coming from the little Ocean State to a 180-degree mountain view is something I am very grateful for. Feel free to follow or add me on snap too: Insta: @saarahsweet Snap: @sarahsweet11

Although I did not participate in Summer Ascent as a freshman, I could not be more excited to get involved now! My experience at Plymouth in my first year was undeniably the most fun I have ever had. I struggled a lot in high school to find people I wanted to be around because I never felt truly cared for, but here, it is amazing how kind the professors, staff, coaches, and my fellow students are and everyone wants to see you do well. My advice to you coming into this program is to not be afraid to put yourself out there because everyone moving in with you is excited, scared, and confused too!

So here is my best advice to tackle this semester and adjust to independent living! Like I said before, put yourself out there!!! I remember during the first week just going across the hall and knocking on doors and just being social, it works!! When school starts, find a rhythm that works for you in terms of class, to dhall, to homework because if you procrastinate, as I do, you will fall behind. If you are interested in playing a sport then you should definitely make a day-to-day schedule to make sure you stay on track. I am here to help! I would and most definitely will need to go to the library or HUB to study so text me!!! Also, I want to put you all on right now because it took me months to find out how good the HUB bagels and coffee are so definitely check that out! Finally, trust in me when I tell you that the teachers and staff and amazing humans who will do anything to see you do well!

MORE ABOUT ME: I love to hike, play basketball or really most other sports, go swimming, boat/ kayak, watch sports/movies/shows, shop, and I love love love animals
Again I am excited to meet you all!
#womensbasketball #ascentor #summerascent

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