
Scott Coykendoll: Our ascent advisor leader here at plymouth state university

Here is his responses too the questions I asked him..

Q: What’s the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?

A: Ever heard that saying that luck favors the prepared? I’ve been super lucky in my life because I was curious about the world, which led me to be willing to take chances when I saw opportunities.


Q: What are some of your success habits?

A: It may not seem this way from OUR interactions (😉), but I TRY to listen more than I talk. Listening builds trust. Listening allows you to spot opportunities. Listening inspires others to listen back.


Q: What is some of the best advice about life or even school you can give?

A: Surround yourself with the kind of people you want to be. Peer pressure is a POWERFUL force. No one should simply go along with their peers for the sake of going along…but since we tend to soak up what’s around us, take charge of that element. 


Q: What was the hardest life changing decision you ever had to make?

A: Honestly, taking the job of Ascent Coordinator. I’m a full professor. That means I’ve reached the top rank of my institution. It’s a relatively safe place to be (and I’m no spring chicken). But I decided to take a risk and take on this new position. Much of this is out of my wheelhouse (how many of your professors can answer questions about financial aid? how many run mentoring programs?), but I’ve seen Ascent make a difference for students–sometimes a profound difference–and I wanted to be a part of that. 


Q: What’s one change I should make right now to help me get closer to my success?

A: The same change ALL of us should make (myself included): take stock of your strengths and weaknesses. What’s one habit you have that really gets in your own way (for me, it’s procrastination)? Now, what are three things you can do TODAY that will help you to break (or at least defy) that habit?

I was really glad I got to ask Scott these questions, and I’m glad I got so many thoughtful responses.


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