
I have a few different advisors that I rely on to advise me in regards to my academic goals and challenges. Two of them being mainly Scott Coykendall and Professor Noel. Scott has been my advisor since August 15th, so essentially since I started school here. He has helped me with a few different academic challenges. Some involving dropping or adding courses, etc. Professor Noel has helped me gauge what classes to take as she is a History Professor and is my advisor for my major. As any time I meet with Professor Noel she always answers any questions I may have about my major what my next course of action would be.

Being as I do not have a sibling currently in college these two advisors have helped me with any questions that I have had since the start of the school year.

I can consult with either of these advisors if I am struggling and all I need to do is go to their respective pages/email them and request an appointment with them.

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Shared by: Ashley Sweeney

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