
There was this one time… Mid-summer. A rainy day. I stopped at a Mc.Donald’s to attempt to relieve myself of my period nausea, cramps, and pain. My body had turned numb and it was a double homicide with me being on the toilet and having a trash can in front of me. It took me two hours to clean myself up and leave. My friend had to drive my car back home. While I was in the back seat. Dead.

Ever since, my periods have taken the best of me. Every month I wake up to pain in my uterus, nausea to the toilet or plastic bag, numbed on my bed, and tears. I do not get how periods could be looked at as such an ‘icky’ subject when really this is human anatomy. Earlier this March I finally decided to approach these events medically with birth control. I started the Depo-Provera shot which is the second ‘most-effective’ contraceptive which suppresses ovulation. This is done by a contraceptive injection that contains the hormone progestin. Unfortunately a week into the shot,  I was experiencing headaches. I was sleeping more, waiting to turn off my light or laptop. I felt defeated. My emotions were everywhere. It took me a bit to even email my professors about how it affected my work progression. I called out from work from experiencing cramps that left me on the floor. I was scared and depressed.

This was one of my challenges of the semester. I emailed one of my professors from last semester and the support she brought to me was uplifting. I am getting emotional just typing about it. She along with my friends have encouraged me to contact my doctor about it. Along with the moral support of believing that before being on birth control and on the contraceptive has changed me. Menstruation tends to be a ‘touchy’ subject. But I’m talking about it. This challenge has strengthened me to reach levels of empathy I would have not thought I could reach. And self-love and motivation I never thought I would unlock. Overall it has thickened my skin. I hope every female out there is not afraid to talk about the intensity and effects of their menstruation /adjustment to their contraceptive challenges on their lives.

Lastly, appreciate women.

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