
Last Fall, I set myself the goal of sending 50 thank you cards in the campus mail by the end of the semester. I sent them to co-workers who had helped me, students who had made my classes better, friends who lifted me up, colleagues who had inspired me, and so on. I sent a few a week and finished all 50 before the semester ended.

I was just trying to lift morale for my community in what seemed like a tough semester (little did I know how tough it would get in the Spring), and I think it worked for many of those who received them. But the main beneficiary was ME. Almost every one of the people who got a card reached out, often in very touching ways, to say how much it meant, how it had arrived just in time to save their day. I ended up getting as many thank yous as I sent and they often lifted me up…often just in time to save my day.

I’m setting myself a goal of sending even more cards this Fall. An effort like Ascent requires so many hands and I want to thank them all. But these are difficult times and it will likely get worse before it get’s better. So I want to lift myself by lifting those around me.

So that’s my goal — send more than 50 thank you cards in the next three months. Let my friends and students and colleagues know that their effort are appreciated. Thank you for wishing me luck! 🙂

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