
I love the PSU campus! The buildings are charming, the clock tower is iconic, the statue of Robert Frost is a connection to history and poetry that reminds us that this place has been special for a long time. But one of my favorite places is the labyrinth on the green between Hyde Hall and the Counseling Center.

My dog, Irie, contemplating deep doggie questions. “Who IS a good girl?”

A labyrinth may look like a maze at first glance, but it’s not. It’s a meditation tool. You enter the labyrinth with a question in your mind and you follow the path slowly. The idea is to see the question from different perspectives even as your body turns to follow the path.

Does it work? Some times I feel like I’m more clear about the question I was contemplating. Often, I’m NOT. But slowing down and focusing on my steps, and my breathing, and the sounds around me…I always feel more relaxed when I leave.

True, it’s a on a busy walkway and so it can be noisy and not super private. But I’ve been known to go out during the busiest part of the day and it still helps me feel better.

Try it out. Keep an open mind.

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