
My goal for this semester is to approach my work and parenting with a beginner’s mindset. A beginner’s mindset (or Shoshin in Zen Buddhism) is the concept of letting go of preconceptions and approaching one’s work with openness and eagerness. Applying a beginner’s mindset to advising each of you allows me to get away from what I know about first year advising and focus on your individual journey. Instead of offering suggestions that have worked for students in the past, we can explore many options with you leading the inquiry. It becomes a process celebrating your experiences, strengths, and all of the possibilities ahead!

Parenting with a beginner’s mindset for Jack!

I’m also using a beginner’s mindset at home as a parent to my baby, Jack! My daughter Eliza just turned three and I often use what I know about Eliza’s infant journey to inform how I make decisions or engage with Jack. By letting go of what I think Jack is or should be achieving, I can be present in the moment for his growth, development, and milestones as they come. It’s been a beautiful exercise so far!

Should you want to talk more about how a beginner’s mind might help you in your first year journey at PSU, I’d be happy to share! Good luck!

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