
Hi Ascent community!

I’ve been a history professor at PSU since 2004, and now I’m happy to be working with Ascent too. I love helping students get adjusted to college, develop their writing skills, and gain confidence in college-level research. I also really enjoy helping students think about careers. I have two Gen Z kids, but I try not to throw too much mom energy while on the job. Come talk to me if you have academic questions or need an ear!

If you dig history, I can explain why it makes a great major for any future plans. My historical passion is the 1800s in the United States. I teach classes on the intense period leading up to the Civil War, the American West, American childhood, and historical research methods. I’m writing a book about why we have gym class and health class. I also do research and give talks on Plymouth-born, nationally important abolitionist Nathaniel Peabody Rogers, whose portrait is in the lobby of the Silver Center.



Besides my kids, who are now living on their own, I have a husband and a kitty named Clementine. I’m a news junkie, former track/xc jock, and sometimes runner. I really like houseplants and flowers, but you have to go see Annie Hager’s MAC for the real plant oasis. I also love to travel, and I’m really looking forward to the day when people can gather and visit.

Running the Disney Marathon, which was very very long

Photographing in Roman crypt

Photographing wall art in a 4th-century crypt in Rome–so cool!


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Shared by: Rebecca R. Noel

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