Ascent Success Plans

Thrive @ Plymouth State

12 Items by Author Shane Savage

"Grit and motivation can lead to as much success as someone with high test scores and high gpa".

Michelle Obama

After watching this video and learning this quote it seems to me that aiming for high test scores and gpa can of course help somebody in the future, but someone with determination and grit can create just as much success. These ideas that were presented to me will help with my motivation to create achievements.

Provision Card: Grit and Motivation 0 (0)

“Grit and motivation can lead to as much success as someone with high test scores and high gpa”. Michelle Obama…

Provision Card: Effort and Skill 5 (1)

“Effort applied to skill makes human achievement” Angela Duckworth With this quote in mind, and from what I listened to…

Resource Card: Math Assistance and Procrastinating Less 0 (0)

After watching the math assistance video I realized that it would be in my best interest to start going over…

Resource Card: Utilizing PASS Office and Study Groups 0 (0)

A resource that I want to start to utalize at Plymouth State is the PASS office and Study Skill groups….

"Understand the present by researching its history"

This is a Context strength, and I feel as though it shows that I can be a creative thinker and a curious person.

Strength Card: Context 0 (0)

“Understand the present by researching its history” This is a Context strength, and I feel as though it shows that…

Challenge card: Overcoming Procrastination 0 (0)

“Do something -anything- to get started” Chris Bailey Procrastination, along with many others, is one of by biggest threats when…

Challenge Card: Time Management being one of my Biggest Challenges 5 (2)

“Tell time where to go” My favorite tip about time management presented to me in the source was “tell time…

Challenge Card: Having Less Structure and Motivation 0 (0)

“High school has structure vs. College has more free time” After watching the PSU’s finding motivation video, the idea of…

Provision Card: Having a Growth Mindset 0 (0)

“growth mindset: abilities will grow through hard work” Carol Dweck A person who knows that their abilities will grow through…

Strength Card- Includer 4 (1)

Includer: “Shows awareness of those who feel left out and make and effort to include them” This strength shows that…

Ascent Success Plans • blame cogdogSPLOTbox theme is based on Garfunkel by Anders Norén.