
The mentors I have who have helped me in life and now in college are my older sister Sarah and my mom. Sarah is only 2 1/2 years older than me but she’s got a lot of wisdom! She has Asperger’s, a form of Autism so she’s had to navigate the world differently from me. She never went to college but she’s smarter than most and has lots of advice when it comes with college aged people. Even though she’s older than me she looks up to me, I’m the only kid to go to college in my family! But yet I still look up to her in some aspects and she looks up to me. My mom is and always be my mentor! She actually went to college but was unable to finish due to having three toddlers to look after at home. My mom is an amazing women and to this day I still don’t know how she manages to do all that she does. I’ve seen my mom walk through hell and back multiple times and she just keeps going. She gets so much thrown at her and her life hasn’t been easy yet she meets everyday with a smile and kindness. She’s the absolute number one reason I’m in college today I want to make her proud!

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