
What’s going on Y’all, I’m Devin Orcutt from Portland, Maine. I’m an 18 year Old and I am majoring in ElectroMechanical Technology and Robotics. During my free time I enjoy to do a variety of things, when it’s nice out and not 10 degrees I enjoy going swimming and hitting rope swings but during the winter you’ll mainly catch me indoors streaming on twitch @NotNived. had to shout myself out there real quick. I do plan on being at Plymouth for all four years of my college experience unless I got some crazy full scholarship some where but the odds of that happening are very unlikely.


Another interesting fact about me is ai write a lot of music. like if you were to go into my notes there’s at least 10 hours worth of lyrics written down just waiting to be recorded. But ya overall this is me and I hope you like me.

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