
Author card

[category: Authors] Tell us a little about yourself. The “handle” on this card is the tag that will identify it as belonging to you. You’ll use that tag on every card you create and your friends will incorporate into the cards they trade with you. Do not include contact information on this card!

Basic card (10 pts): Name, Handle, Major…

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (could be a picture of you, could be an avatar)


  • Hobbies you enjoy
  • Something unique you have done or experienced

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • Original video, song, poem, or written story about you or your hobbies or experiences

Goal card

[category: Goals] What do you hope to accomplish this semester? this year? this life? Tell us about your academic or college-experience goals (I want to get an internship, I want to study abroad, I want to minor in _____, I want to cover sports for the student newspaper, I want to join the Succulents Club….whatever!). Or, tell us about personal goals (I want to send 30 cards to friends and family who are lonely because of social distancing, I want to hike five 4000 footers this year, I want to make friends with everyone on my floor in Blair…). Later, we’ll ask what you’re doing to accomplish these goals and even challenge you to make cards that will help you to get there.
Only available if you have completed an Author card and assigned yourself a handle (must tag this post with your handle)

Basic card (10 pts): a couple of sentences about what you want to accomplish

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (could be a picture of you, could be an avatar, could be symbolic)


  • An explanation of WHY you want to accomplish this goal

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • A strategy for how you can accomplish this goal.

Strength card

[category: Strengths and Challenges] What do you bring to the table that will help you be successful here? Tell us what you do well, or what traits you have that make you stronger.
Only available if you have completed an Author card and assigned yourself a handle (must tag this post with your handle)

Basic card (10 pts): a couple of sentences describing your strengths

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (could be a picture of you, could be an avatar, could be symbolic)


  • An explanation of how you developed this strength or examples of when you demonstrated it.

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • A strategy for how you can use this strength to accomplish one of your goals or to offset one of your challenges.

Challenge card

[category: Strengths and Challenges] What do you think you might hold you back? Tell us about the obstacles you face (I’m afraid of public speaking, I struggle with time-management, I have no idea what I want to major in…whatever). These are some of the key cards because we will ask you to find resources and strategies that can address these challenges.
Only available if you have completed an Author card and assigned yourself a handle (must tag this post with your handle)

Basic card (10 pts): a couple of sentences describing your challenges

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (could be a picture of you, could be an avatar, could be symbolic)


  • An explanation of how you became aware of this challenge or examples of when it created obstacles for you.

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • A strategy for how you can use your strengths to offset this challenge.

Provision card (Resource card)

[categories: Strengths and Challenges, Life at PSU, Health & Wellness, Student Clubs or Orgs] What helps you thrive as a person at PSU? Tell us about your favorite spot on campus, your crew of friends, your favorite professor, your love of thrifting…or basketball…or boardgames…or poetry. We call these provision cards because they aren’t tools that help you get where you’re going, rather they are like the food or fuel you need to keep yourself healthy on the way.
Only available if you have completed an Author card and assigned yourself a handle (must tag this post with your handle)

Basic card (10 pts): a couple of sentences describing what keeps you going

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (could be a picture of you and your friends, could be an avatar, could be symbolic)


  • A more detailed explanation of the hobbies, people, or passions that sustain you.

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • A strategy for how you can use your provisions to see you through tough times


  • An original video, song, poem, written story, etc., that helps us understand this source of strength

Tool card (Resource card)

[categories: Academic Resources] What helps you succeed academically at PSU? Tell us about your visit to the Writing Center, the Math Activity Center, or the PASS Office. Tell us about the study group in your Anatomy and Physiology class or your favorite Reference Librarian at Lamson. We call these tool cards because they’re the specialized equipment you need to accomplish your academic and career goals.
Only available if you have completed an Author card and assigned yourself a handle (must tag this post with your handle)

Basic card (10 pts): a couple of sentences describing an academic resources

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (a selfie–or zoom screen capture–of you with your tutor or your favorite librarian)


  • A more detailed explanation of the resource, what they have to offer, and how you find them.

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • A description of the last time you visited this resource and how your encounter helped with a project or assignment you were working on.

Advisor card

[category: Advisors] Who are your mentors at PSU? Who do you rely on to advise you about your academic goals or challenges? Who helps you to navigate financial issues? Who helps you to find the clubs or student orgs that you are interested in? Who advises you on how to eat healthy, find an internship, or launch yourself on a career path? If Provision cards are the food for your journey, and Tool cards are the equipment to help you reach the top, then your advisors are the guides who show you the way. Without them, you might be lost!
Only available if you have completed an Author card and assigned yourself a handle (must tag this post with your handle)

STANDING BONUS: After your first two Advisor cards, all subsequent cards are worth DOUBLE points.

Basic card (10 pts): a couple of sentences about an advisor

Leveled Up card (25 pts): Basic card plus:

  • Image (a selfie–or zoom screen capture–of you with your advisor or mentor)


  • An explanation of WHY this person is so helpful to you

MAXed Out card (50 pts): Leveled up card plus:

  • A strategy for how you can consult this person for a specific challenge, question, or decision.

Advising Team card (250 pts)

[category: Advisors] When you have created at least five Advisor cards, you have enough for a team. Tell us about how, together, they serve as mentors or guides in different areas of your life (e.g., academic, career, financial, social, and spiritual). Consider this analogy, on a softball team, you need infielders and outfielders, you need people who can turn a double-play and people who can consistently bat in runs. A team of people with the same skills won’t really cover the bases (see what I did there?). This should be a fairly detailed card with paragraphs about what each can offer separately and how you connect them as a team. Illustrate the card with an image or graphic that symbolizes your team.

Finally, for THIS card, you have to send a link to the card to each person on your team to let them know how valuable they are to you…and who their teammates are!
Only available if you have completed at least five advisor cards (must tag this post with your handle)

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